Official test
Due to the emergence of companies with inaccurate or fraudulent information regarding counterfeit banknote detection, be aware that if the machine's description does not specify that it has been satisfactorily tested (, the seller cannot guarantee the total detection of counterfeit banknotes
Which machines can you trust to detect counterfeit banknotes?
Every day there are more counterfeit banknotes in circulation, and their quality is improving. The quality of counterfeit banknotes has become so high that it is impossible to distinguish counterfeit notes from the originals without a quality detecting machine.The large variety of devices that exist on the market (felt tip pens, UV detection lamps, copies of brand marks, etc.) and the difference in price of these, lead us to ask about the degree of reliability of the different types of checking devices.
Not all counterfeit banknote detectors are reliable. If a model has EC certification it does not imply that it can detect all the counterfeit banknotes in circulation. In fact, some sellers use these terms to win their clients’ trust. The significance of a machine having an EC certificate is equivalent to saying that it is suitable for sale in Europe, but it does not have any relationship with the reliability of the detection.
Thanks to central banks, we can learn about the optimal machines for such an important task. There is an official test to ensure the reliability of devices, and Detectalia carries it out each year.