As soon as your order leaves our warehouse you will receive a confirmation email with a shipment tracking number. The shipper will deliver the order to your address and will attempt delivery three times.
Transit times:
- Spain (Peninsula) - 24 hours
- Spain (Balearic Islands) - 24 - 48 hours
- Spain (Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) - 3 to 5 days
- Portugal - 24 hours
- France, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium - 2 to 4 days
- Rest of Europe - 3 to 5 days
- Rest of the world - 4 to 15 days
Additional information:
- Free shipping to European destinations for orders over €100
- We will send your order on the same day if purchase is completed before 1.00 pm.
- No orders will be delivered on Saturday or Sunday.
- Orders made on Saturday or Sunday will be dispatched on the following working day.
In the case of equipment malfunction, the return will be free of charge. If you are not satisfied, you can return any purchases made at within 14 days of the purchase date according to the information provided in the terms of sale.